vitamin D

vitamin D
if you play it they will come

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Still Standing

Physics II in the summer is fun. I's not easy, but I REALLY do get a kick out of learning new material! This is a great challenge! I have so much riding on this last pre-requsite before applying to grad school and i'm so glad to be working my plan! :c) I have quite a bit of work to do and i'm giving it all I've got! It feels great. I plan on at least doing all I can and to probe the instructor for as much information as possible!

We are talking about springs and sound for test #1. Wow. I'm not gonna even stress it! But, on the soul-ar level... as more time passes the intensity of our vibrations seems to increase! :c) weird... but this indirect relationship is producing some very powerful waves... again, miss lady: its not in my hands, but if it is in God's plan then I'll be ready to see you, again miss lady. I told myself i'd try and let all of this go and to just be okay with everything... we'll i'm fine but the letting go part is weird. I mean after all this time why should I?

You're still Bad and Tough is how I like my challenges/turn-ons....

Of course an easy A wouldn't hurt but at the end of the day...earning that A is well worth the missed social outings and applied focus...
Work =force * distance

and then there were waves...


Friday, May 23, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

wrappeD up

today was a good day.
a study day, a work day.

physics II is real!

but it felt good to work through the reading and homework problems.
I'll be going to bed soon.

I also did some yard work in preparation for this weekend's graduation celebration for my youngest sister. Complete with full lawn refuse bags.

"Working it out" is my mantra...

I'm learning how important staying on task is...
how one can never really lose focus and not suffer.

sweetness is celebrated after hard work and sacrifice...that's what makes it really sweet. I'm glad I'm learning this now while there is still time. Losing respect later is unacceptable.

So, my bit-o-honey came with a conversation and this blog. I called a Hampton graduate who majored in physics to discuss some basic concepts in ideal spring motion. That is the relationship between oscillations and rotational motion at constant velocity... It's not bad. the work requires manipulation of base formulas and an understanding of diagramming through core conceptualization. It's interesting and kinda fun. But the best part is the brain intellectual stimulation that comes from thinking and focusing.

It's definitely not the same as making out, but making out the correct answers has unique benefits as I press on towards my goal. Good evening and Goodnight.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

signing out

my purpose and mission define my present and future.
i grow less attached to things i cannot change
and work towards achieving my ultimate goals...

this is Delano signing out.

over the years i've worked to build my network in the
arts community in Atlanta...

soon, i will align my professional purpose
with the movement and philosophical
tennents of my artistic life.

see the picture on this page?
I'm making my way towards
upholding the ideals of
cultured dance with a professional

I'm defining my career now.
I love it! I mean I REALLY

I'll begin working as an aquatic
physical therapy technitian
next week. I'll be learning
first-hand how this particular
form of PT works and deeply continue
networking prior to applying
to DPT programs.

This is a great time for me.
I'll take this time to sign out...

To my former self,
I sign out... its
been great knowing ya.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


i'm not at my breaking point. but the world is in so much upheaval that I cannot live without expressing my care for you. i know there has been much energy transmitted between us but, I care for you. i want to feel like its ok to call you. i still don't. i want to hear your voice and maybe i'll call...but for now i'll wait till your birthday. i feel honored to live and love your glow. you are still very special to me. the Universe still reminds me of you around every corner. what can i say...i still seek you. i get nervous thinking of how "tough" a relationship would be with you. but i am motivated by this uncertainty. there will be things we will both have to accept about each other in order to make something work. my question is do you want to try and make something work? it does not have to be today...really i put no time restraints on your decision. to honor myself i believe both that i deserve better and that you are actually worth this sacrifice. optimistically i believe you/ i am worth getting better first. i have a way to go and for being on my path I am grateful. I trust that what i started i will have another go at. but, there really is no way of knowing if the point is just to love someone with all you've got or if i will actualize something incredible with you in the flesh. you are more than i asked are exactly what i needed to get by and beyond. i enjoy this time of focusing on my responsibilities, as it prepares me for my future as a PT. You remember me, i know, i feel you luv. what more can i say?

Monday, May 12, 2008

honeywine beekeeper

i stick to what remains
be it said in crystals
geometric projections
pattern thoughts
forming paisley
hand drawn "2 touch"
notice feather strokes raiment
sips of impressionist tea

sharpie ink
blots testing
dance on canvas
concrete laws
abide with we
presently gifted
copper splashed
rapping paper
pride and peace

look into she
sew the sea

your hum vibrates stunning circles
i know why care for you, yellow
astounds me
i feel worthy and unworthy darkness

i feel for you Wonderous
seek self in pools of music wandering
if i know i was there
how you came to get a deal
is a good one I see
season's specialty:
interwoven cloaks of woman
power people
casting envy paintings on
lifestyle auction blocks

human being her best in all things
a part her make and modeling
setting sun strides spotting

i know you read daily news
good, better, best
relentless progress
retire sleeplessness
dance on opportunity's shoestrings
footworking greatness flexing insteps
yet with patience flicker
wealth of character reflected smoke
i part with rain drops while winning
parade ribbons and space shuttles

i feel your savvy dripping ripe
it is sexier i know
when we keep effervescent gasps quiet
and wobble silence
i offer eyelids open
whip lashes ordained by
suffering is life
part of this departing
attachment kept me

ferment nectar
between us honey bee
flower pollen release
royally gel
what will be
what we need
but simple breeze...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

"Tiny Man, Huge Ego"

So, the devil wears Prada... I've been reviewing this dated yet, lovely movie. i like it. my favorite scene was when Andy snickered about two belts that looked similar during a review. Miranda then explains the fashion chain of command that led to Andy's cerulean sweater. As external as it may be, fashion, "is more than art, its what [we] live in...well, some people."

Interestingly, it's what innovators do even on the ground level that influences the fashion world. Military jackets which are in/going out of style were big in the conscious circles. My first exposure to fashion reflecting life was when i saw a Dior collection about two years ago (don't quote me) of RED, GREEN, and YELLOW stripes integrated with earth tones on bags and belts. Of course I'd seen sects of the "earthy," artistic, and Caribbean/ Afro-centric communities splashed with these colors for years... What a morning that was! I believe I was watching a morning news program one summer before work. Hm. Then it was camouflage. How interesting that a style popularized by Boot Camp Clique and other military minded hip hop groups of the mid-late 90s made its way to the runway. Over the past two summers I've seen pockets of euro-American families draped in BDU-inspired prints. Hm. Then it was hats... big-apple styles of the rasta/locked hair communities that was in. Heck, even in the movie Andrea sports a girl's golfer/apple styled cap.

The arts/hipster community has always been big on color contrasts... Y'all remember the 80s? These days I see pumps of all bright shades, bags of solid brilliance, and top-coats throughout the winter that stand out amongst dark shades in suits and sweaters.

Interesting flow... a give and take indeed.
So, in being myself, which always seems to keep me conservatively classic, I'm learning to appreciate the world we live in the same breath as preparing for a career in patient care.

"So where are these fabulous copies?"
"With the twins, on their way to grandma's Is there anything else I can do"
"m -m, that's all."

-love it.

Monday, May 5, 2008


I labled my scratch paper with specifiic problem numbers with pink highlighter. For the first time I took a final feeling BETTER after I took it than before. My stomach was in a tiny knot prior to sitting down at 6:05 for my Physics Final. It's been an intriguing semester , learning about Forces, Friction, Attraction, and Energy. This is a rare occasion...I'm done with this hurdle and have one more final to attack tomorrow. There is also this pesky lab final to take Wednesday evening, but no sweat. I claim the success I feel now, satisfied I did what I could do to get the highest score within my ability.

There will be another Physics final... this summer, all things considered Physics II. And when the day for that final arrives I hope I feel better than I do right now, knowing I'm within inches of graduate school applications.

tonight I'll rest and glance at some STATS tomorrow... I'm between an A and a B going into the assesment event. I wish myself luck and also have a show at Apache tomorrow night.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Progress Process

Everything is Everything... I write with many bestowed blessings. Classes are over. I have but finals to go and sitting in the zone for both physics and statistics. "A very beautiful morning," indeed. My march towards professional school is almost at its half-way point. I am excited and am enjoying many aspects of my observation at Grady. Last tuesday I was intrigued by a case of muscle tone with contracture as a result of stroke. It made me want to research and find a cure. At least some way to keep the situation from worsning or to relieve some of the tightness.

I really love my field! I'm going to make an excellent PT! I'm glad I at least have a goal in mind and have started this involved process of applying. I even have friends who are already in the field lookin out for me along the way! I am so thankful! Shout out to C.Harris! Thanks for inviting me to speak at your wedding! I wish you all the best!

Preshate ya. I'm good.

I thought about writing a semi-autobiographical novel called "The Market."