vitamin D

vitamin D
if you play it they will come

Friday, September 26, 2008

Tech nically speaking

I loVE my New JOb!

"gastrocnemius, soleus, flexion, hydroculator, dorsiflexion, cervical hot pack, ultrasound, etc."

a clinic with "more black PTs than anywhere else in the state..."

-delano :c)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

amazing? !

I never cease to be amazed by all of this. as i inhale, all the grit, smog, and exhaust, life seems to be just toxic enough to remind me that I'm alive. you know, pain is an indicator of a functioning nervous system. its there to teach you not to touch the hot stove again... it works kinda like fear and the fight or flight nature of the human animal. when i wait to exhale I get this weird head rush like i have a choice as to what happens next. naturally, i'd like to digest some clean oxygen but, it's getting too late for that. at least in the city. I was in south dakota once, presenting at black hills state university... and man, what a revelation! the united states is a vast mutha! and the crystal evening made my chest tingle from its simple purity. i was amazed to still be in america. a little (or a lot) of nitrogen is a good thing.

nowadayz, i get the feeling that my thoughts are connected to a loud speaker and those who choose to listen are hearing me. i guess my ego has to show up sometime... maybe it's not "just me..." but forreal, tonight i had a troubling sensation while at work. the thought which lasted for about 30 minutes was that i might not get to express all i want to before i die. or before you die. it saddened me. as an artist, a creative entity, a communicator - expression is as reflexive and vital as breathing. this in why i keep a blog. in case my flesh returns to dust, i feel like i've at least left some bread crumbs as to what i believe, what i feel, and what i dream about and live. this is my lil joust with writing an autobiography. the humble parts of me keep me patient to achieve more before i commit to telling all of my story. but, the feeling part of me just can't be silent until it all catches up with the book. so, as notes to myself... the atlanta renaissance is my own eclectic representation of my most turbulent twenties.... from about 25 on out. this is nothing new. i started keeping a journal in high school and my first one went with me on my first mission trip to jamaica, the isle of my father's birth.

today, i use it as practice to you know, "see if i still got it..." 3stax said something like that on "the art of storytellin pt. 4" i feel where he's coming from. you gotta have scruples about this life you're living because people are watching. children seem to find a way to get into- literally- what they see you doing, so i gotta do my part. i'm hardly a self-serving body, despite my aspirations to do great things personally. to give props where they are due I just finished reading a fantastic interview with one of my favorite musical artists Cee-Lo.
I don't know how long the link will last, but for the time being it exists and it was a moving look into the state of mind of one of our Nation's greatest creative souls. forgive me if it rings bells, but like i said it's like my mind is on blast and i can't stop eating TNT. so, there you have it in a shell, the good stuff... me as i am! i'm proud of how this one feels, its flowing like a freestyle.

before i retire for the evening... thanks to all my folks for checking in with me... your thoughts are received too. amazing stuff, this life. the law of attraction is just the tip of the planet. continue to focus your thoughts on what is right, true, and pleasing to the Creator. "i could go on and on and on, but who cares?"


Saturday, September 13, 2008

fat hollers


it looks good, don'tcha know? when your planning comes to a head and you get something out of life. the fruition of finally. welcome back. giving a supafat holla to the Chief Party Rocka!

i hope we aren't reachin ya too late...good things take time to mature ya dig?
well, tomorrow is one of many big days. any day realy, but yeah, tomorrow - i can digit!

been a minute and maybe again

your friend,

delano :c)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

His Promise

What will the next four years look like? Feel like? What are your hopes? What is your vision for your life? How do you change those around you first to impact this world at large? How are you remembered?

This is a time for landmark opportunity. So much of what young progressives envision is a world that is at your fingertips. Moreso than double-clicking the planet, we are at pivotal periods in our life where what we fuel with energy, sacrifice, and dedication flourishes. This is when you will decide what you are willing to do to earn your keep, to make the grade, and to manifest your personal philosophies. In short, your golden years start here. As much as you are able to champion your cause you are able to define yourself on the spot, with every decision to your community and to yourself.

We stand on the brink of tomorrow and reach for the coming horizon. The Promise of America is in our hands. I challenge you to make yourself a promise. And keep it.
Hold up, did you get that? Make yourSELF a promise. And Keep it! This is the way we inspire a nation. Look around you. Who among your peers inspires you most? Most likely the person or persons who live adamatly dedicated lives with a sense of personal responsably and purpose - those who have decided that their cause is worth fighting for. They exhibit fearlessness by carving the future from ideas and hard-work. It is no secret. Progress colors resident feathers. Take flight! The wing of hope depends on contributions from all! Under the right conditions the collective result is lift.

"Our work will not be easy." It shouldn't. The marker of a changing nation is one where we can support ourselves and those around us. "All are needed to build this nation strong..." We awake to day, gifts of life as we please. How else can we hope to secure liberty? I am told: Go forth doing great things. Let us quaff collective seas. Please Shine.

America is the sum of its parts and words on paper. And as we commonly know and through the judicial process, the interpretation of laws is a dynamic process that shapes the future case by case. This is a promise we make to our future. To be aware of our personal importance and moral responsability to each other and to those who will come. To usher in the kind of future we want to live in. To be a part of the process of progress. To ultimately lead the eager minds of approaching generations... I believe in you and hope to be a worthy example.

The American promise is to our children, to our parents, to the earth, and beyond...
We can live in a better world. Together the accomplishments of individuals outlines the strength of us all. Let us be motivated. Let us be inspired. Let us be great. Let us be the change we hope to see. Let us be the Americans we hope to be.

better than yesterday, reaching for tomorrow... I promise to do my part in making this world a better place.

---> I don't know about you, but Barack Obama has inspired me.... see you all at the polls!


Thursday, September 4, 2008



us one patient orb grappling precipice

else we

fall towards
