vitamin D

vitamin D
if you play it they will come

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


i wish i could remember more...

tonight i had this once before reoccurring dream. I can only recall that I had the ability to "mindspring" from under water. Its kind of like a super power... Somehow, I willingly end up under water, and before anything traumatic occurs, I am able to "think" my body up and out of the water. Its on some "think happy thoughts" like escaping to Never Never Land in Peter Pan.

In the dream, once I am ready to spring upwards, I think "its time to get up", or something, and I am able to mind spring my body up and out. the whole experience is quite exhilarating!
Some times friends of mine are able to do it too and after we are out of the water we share this mutual smile, like after riding the best roller coaster of your life.

Since, I did some light research on dreams and found that some are as short as a roller coaster ride, lasting only a few minutes; others as long as 20 minutes. This being a "good dream," I awoke with a feeling of joy and loosely constructed pride about my super power.

Much is debated about the cause, purpose, and extent of dreams. Its scientific study is called oneirology. What a neat name "One Eye Rology," almost like the study of one vision! Hm. To this day, there are segments of dreams from as far back as my childhood that I still remember. As a matter of fact, with the right cues, I can remember most of my lucid dreams, at least the ones that remain after waking.

Some nights I have multiple dreams in sequence... Often they are unrelated.

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